Interior by Vilhem Hammershoei 1905
...a stone, a leaf, an unfound door: of a stone, a leaf, a door. And of all the forgotten faces.....O lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again. Thomas Wolfe....Look Homeward Angel.
In my first semester of college, I was placed in a class where my job was To Read Books. I was in bliss. I was so low in my math skills that I barely qualified for bonehead math, but I was able to sidle into a higher level English class where all I had to do was read books and write about what I read. One of these books was Thomas Wolfe's, "Look Homeward Angel", and it was perfect for an 18 year old in love with literature. I would clutch the book under my arm to class, to dinner (if I could get away with it...formal dinners were expected even in the dorms at that time) and on my way back from the library in the evening. My campus was snowbound and cold in the winter, and I would slip and fall, and the book would skitter across the ice and stop in a snowbank. I loved the book, still have the tattered copy with me, and its forward has haunted me ever since.
That metaphor of the open door, opening upon door upon door..... An enfilade into more mysteries and experience. Like Thomas Wolfe's book, like art, like drawing, .... a journey far too prolix and more than a little mad.
1 Discuss Chapter 7....Pass out Temple Grande page on the conflict between verbal and visual information.
2. Show Tony Ryder’s method of blocking in.... .Relationships Basic unit...figure...often the length and width of the head.
3. Basic pg. 126.. the correct Basic unit controls the rest of your drawing....Remember Tony Ryder......boat...vertical unit, for me, is easier....use the horizontal and vertical of paper format to check angles. Draw angles of Hopper painting...each shape...start with largest and get smaller and smaller.
Choose the main vertical as your basic unit. What direction should you have in your format? No shading, just contour ....can use ruler if you like.
5. Drawing a stepladder. Hold up viewfinder so the stepladder touches at least three edges of the viewfinder. Keep the viewfinder in the same position and close one eye. Focus on negative spaces around stepladder....first draw negative spaces around viewfinder. Check the angles and lengths with a basic unit and the verticals and horizontals of the paper format. Then start on the interior negative spaces....again, check the angles and lengths.
Assignment...Draw the Ballerina....negative space.......shared edges between the positive and negative.. Double check angles and curves with horizontal and vertical edges of the paper. Come up with your definition of art....Read chapter 8
.......And watch for negative and positive confusions.....
Monkey Men MC Escher
"....If the red slayer think he slays,
Of if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Brahma
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