I promised my Web designer that I would collate and label my images for a new site he is setting up for me. So groan. I am weeding out, drifting through and discarding the slag.
Today I am in my Fairy File. Here's the project I did for a client who wanted a fairy birthday mural in the deep woods. She loves Victorian art and decor. I did some vignettes for ideas, and while I usually do a careful rendering before I start, this time I just Did It.
I decided all the animals would bring presents, and be dressed up. However, nature girl that I am, I had the animals wrap their presents in leaves and flowers instead of Hallmark, and wear costumes of the same. Some fairies and animals brought light. The deer, of course, were exquisite and brough their present to the fairy on an elegant travois. The moles, being astimatic with severe sinus problems were mouth breathers and pictured in too large hats of skunk cabbage (they couldn't smell them) .
As a rule, I am not fond of possums, but wanted to be democratic. Note the rabbit with many piercings for his earrings, the garter snake with an avalanche lily hat, and the ladybugs traveling from vine to vine on a blackberry expressway.
The fox, transfixed by the event into his gentler nature, is being observed by an elf.
This is a section of the mural, and the waterfall rushes down over the toy box opening into a blue "water" rug. I wanted to put inserts of green lily pads rug into the "water" rug, but we didn't get around to it. This was a project that seemed to ramble on and on...butterflies in the bathroom, constellations above the bed, morning glory borders, etc....the design shows it...a bit tacked on and discursive.
This mural was taken down and put up in five different houses. The mural even went to Maine. My client liked to move around a lot.
©Jennifer M. Carrasco 9/17/09 All blog entries on this site, visual or intellectual, are the property of Jennifer M. Carrasco (unless stated otherwise) and cannot be reproduced or used without her written permission.
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